Invited lectures
The seQre2014 will host world-famous specialists in quantum cryprography area...
The 5th LFPPI Symposium on Progress in Quantum Cryptography - seQre2014
Date: 27th-28th January 2014
Location: Wroclaw University of Technology (WUT), Wroclaw, Poland
The 5th LFPPI Symposium: Progress in Quantum Cryptography SeQre2014 is a unique international event that will present both the current scientific and application prospects of quantum cryptography in view of recent progress in development of quantum computers, aiming to bring together academic societies of outstanding quantum physicists, computer scientists and engineers with representatives of industry considering quantum cryptography deployment.
The symposium is organized on the occasion of Wroclaw metropolitan QKD network deployment (one of the first few quantum networks worldwide) based on experimental non-entanglement and entanglement QKD systems. During the symposium a practical demonstration of QKD systems by leading companies addressed to industry and security sector of finance and administration is planned. The Symposium aims also to elevate interest and commercial support for QKD systems development from the side of bank and administration representatives invited to participate in the event.
Symposium seQre2014 in Wroclaw meets with celebration of Wroclaw-laureate of Culture Capital of Europe 2016.
The seQre2014 will host world-famous specialists in quantum cryprography area...
During the seQre2014 various quantum key distribution systems will be presented...
On the 2nd day of the seQre2014 a certified QKD training for business will take place...
The cyclic LFPPI symposia are rather a small scale events addressed to progress in quantum physics, traditionally honored by distinguished invited speakers (in the past the symposium was honored by the presence of: prof. Artur Ekert, prof. Christopher Fuchs, prof. Gerard t'Hooft).
The 5th LFPPI Symposium on QKD will take only two days, but will create a not very common opportunity to present and discuss scientific and technological progress in quantum cryptography and related fields of quantum information and communication in both scientific and practical applied contexts, while bringing together quantum physicists (including quantum cryptography authors and experts), computer scientists (including classical IT security experts) and also representatives of the industry interested in quantum cryptography practical applications and deployments.
The symposium is planned in two overlapping planes of scientific and deployment industrial perspectives, as well as two overlapping planes of quantum and classical research communities (quantum physicists and applied computer scientists).
The symposium will focus on:
The Symposium will present both the scientific and application prospects of quantum cryptography in view of progress of quantum computers, aiming to bring together academic societies of physicists, computer scientists, and representatives of industry considering quantum cryptography and is organized on the occasion of Wroclaw metropolitan QKD network deployment based on experimental non-entanglement & entanglement QKD systems. During the symposium a practical demonstration of QKD systems by leading companies addressed to industry and security sector of finance and administration is planned. We hope to elevate the interest and commercial/business support for QKD system development from the side of bank and administration representatives invited to participate in this Symposium.
CMQCRD (Consortium for Monitoring of Quantum Cryptography Research and Developement)
During the symposium it is planned establishment of the Consortium for Monitoring of Quantum Cryptography Resarch and Developement (CMQCRD), a national consortium of representatives of scientific institutes, commercial partners, finance and administration institutions interested in development and deployment of quantum cryptography secure solutions for commercial and special use communication systems. The consortium will monitor international progress in the field of quantum information and communication technologies research and development, especially towards adoption of quantum cryptography and promote national Polish endeavour in related areas. The consortium would include institutional founding members of: