Laboratory of Quantum Cryptography within WUT National Laboratory for Quantum Technologies

Wroclaw University of Technology (WUT) QKD Laboratory is newly equipped with both non-entanglement and entanglement based QKD R&D prototype systems. It cooperates in few national QKD research projects and is preparing to offer its cooperation for newly formulated international FP7 and Horizon 2020 EU QKD related projects.

WUT laboratory of QKD in partnership with CompSecur is equipped with state of the art national prototype QKD systems and 2 external platform QKD systems. Both classes of R&D systems are based on entanglement and no-entanglement protocols, altogether consisting of 8 QKD terminals, which were tested in heterogenic compatible network layer combining entanglement and no-enanglement for the third time internationally. The first pair of the prototype and external commercial systems use entangled photons pairs for transmission in quantum channel (coding qubits on polarizations and implementing the BB84 instead of the E91 protocol), while the second pair is based on non-entangled photons (coding qubits on phase differences and implementing BB84 and SARG04 protocols). Both pairs of systems use fiber optic channels, but the entanglement based systems can operate also in open air via telescopic equipment. The distance for effectively coherent quantum communication is up to 100 km for no-entanglement and a bit shorter for entanglement prototypes (in open air up to 1 km). Prototype systems are developed for already almost 10 years, while external devices are the latest generations of setups from leading developers of commercial R&D QKD systems, and their combination in a single QKD laboratory creates an unique opportunity for research and development in interoperability for future quantum networks.

Outline of a research programme for the QKD laboratory at WUT encompasses:
- Development and industry research towards test-deployment of prototype systems (based on both entanglement and no-entanglement protocols) in standard telecom infrastructures.
- Investigation on using standard noisy fiber channels to transfer qubits of quantum signal (dark channel).
- A joint quantum networks setups of entangled and non-entangled systems in order to enhance security in view of recently demonstrated blinding attacks on photons' phase encoding devices; verification of the blinding attack methods and testing of the countermeasures.
- Enhancements in the QKD protocols stack (both entanglement and non-entanglement systems), in physical layer reduction of needed detectors, miniaturization (with future efforts towards QKD in a chip), as well as in higher layers: development of key reconciliation, privacy amplification and error corrections procedures.
- Development of new protocol concepts and modifications for the existing protocols.
- Deployment of additional equipment (new prototypes) within the common R&D project with a WUT spin-off CompSecur company (towards test-deployments of quantum networks, improving of software, star topology).
- Analysis of decoherence effects in both systems in different channels: open air through atmosphere, optical fibers (different types), and special purpose connections: out of atmosphere (satellite).
- Development of the software layer in both protocols to enhance functionalities and possible applications.
- Development of new applications of hybrid QKD-classical systems based on latest progress in classical IT security.
- Participation in international research towards new quantum mechanics based applications in IT security (novel QKD protocols, quantum digital signature, architecture of the global satellite based QKD concepts) and standardization efforts.

AIT EPR SYS-405 System

Entanglement quantum key distribution integrated laboratory R&D system
System technical specyfiaction
- Quantum opto-electronic setups generating quantum entanglement in photons polarizations, integrated within 2 end-stations in both optical fibres (WDM compatibility) and telescopic (free laser beam) configurations, computer controlled with a hardware/software architecture that enables research and development
- Featuring non-linear crystal implementation of the parametric down conversion procedure of quantum entanglement production in photon polarizations states (carrier of the information implemented on the polarization of photons in quantum entangled states)
- Including laser photon source and avalanche photodiode detectors (temperature stabilized)
- Featuring implementation of at least one entanglement based QKD protocol (including implementation of key sifting, key distillation, error correction and privacy amplification functional layers)
- Featuring integrated electronic control and interface systems (including synchronization systems)
- Including software suite with program sources (containing programming libraries along with their sources enabling functional reprogramming of the setup)
- Including technical documentation and a user manual
- Featuring at least 24 months long warranty
- Featuring following operation parameters
- QKD distance: at least 5 km
- Keyrate: at least 0,2 Kbit/s on a 5 km distance
- Temperature of operation between 10 and 30 °C
The EPR SYS-405 is AIT's modular platform for quantum mechanics experiments for universities, research centers, and industry. The entire system is built around an electronically stabilized source of entangled photons at 810nm which enables long term operation with high generation rates. The number and quality of the generated photon pairs strongly depends on the used pump laser diode, which can be selected from a number of options. With a stabilized narrow-bandwidth laser diode, a measured coincidence rate of C = 500/(s*mW) at an overall visibility of V>98% can be achieved.

From the source, the photons are transmitted via either free space links (optical telescopes) or via optical fibre to one or two BB84 modules. The free space link sender and receiver telescopes include electronic support for alignment and calibration.
In the BB84 detector modules the photons are continuously analyzed in the {0, 90} and {+45, -45} bases and time-tagged with highest precision. The matching of the corresponding detection events, as well as the classical post-processing (sifting, error correction, privacy amplification) is performed on commercial-off-the-shelf laptops. AIT offers the entire QKD stack software together with its source code (under GPL) and such provides an easy way to the development and testing of new approaches and protocols in QKD post processing.
AIT provides different options for training in operating and carrying out experiments with the EPR SYS-405. All customers may access a web-based bulletin-board and bug-tracking system to resolve software issues. Furthermore, AIT provides training at its facilities in Vienna, or on site in the laboratory of the customer.

The EPR SYS-405 can be configured exactly to your needs by selecting two or more options regarding the following modular building blocks:
- pump laser diode
- nonlinear crystal
- stablilization
- fibre coupling or free space optical telescopes
- detectors
- electronics
- post processing PCs
- software
- training
ID Quantique Clavis2

Non-entanglement quantum key distribution system
System technical specyfiaction
- Quantum opto-electronic setups integrated within 2 end-stations connected by optical fibres (WDM compatibility) and computer controlled with a hardware/software architecture that enables research and development
- Including laser photon source and avalanche photodiode detectors (temperature stabilized)
- Featuring photon phase qubit coding (interferometers with auto-compensation)
- Featuring implementation of at least the BB84 QKD protocol
- Including software suite (containing programming libraries)
- Including technical documentation and a user manual
- Featuring at least 24 months long warranty
- Featuring following operation parameters
- QKD distance: at least 50 km
- Keyrate: at least 1 Kbit/s on a 25 km distance
- Temperature of operation between 10 and 30 °C

The id3100/id3110 Clavis system uses a proprietary auto-compensating optical platform, which features outstanding stability and interference contrast, guaranteeing a low quantum bit error rate. Secure key exchange becomes possible over distances of tens of kilometers. This optical platform is well documented in scientific publications and has been extensively tested and characterized.

The id3100/id3110 Clavis system is the most flexible product of its kind on the market. It consists of two stations controlled by one or two external computers. A comprehensive software suite implements automated hardware operation and complete key distillation. A powerful graphical log file analyzer is supplied to plot the evolution of key parameters and variables, allowing intuitive performance analysis. The software suite also includes a secure chat application using the keys generated by the id3100/id3110 Clavis system to encrypt communications.
SeQureNet Cygnus

SeQurenet CVQKD module, using the Gaussian protocol and able to work at very low SNRs, considerably improves the maximum operating range of CVQKD, from 25Km in previous experiments to about 80Km. The equipment is composed of two optical boxes, Alice and Bob, and two supporting PCs for protocol management, error correction, and distillation. It can be used for IT security or network experimentation, and also for scientific research.

Quantum key distribution, relying on the uncertainty principle of Quantum Mechanics, enables the unconditionally secure distribution of secret values. Quantum Key distribution devices on the market are Discrete Variable implementations using single photons detectors. SeQureNet proposes the first commercial implementation of Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution, relying on Gaussian modulation of coherent states and homodyne detection. The implemented protocol has a security proof against collective attacks with practical key rates. The range of the product (80Km / 16dB) is much greater that previous CVQKD implementations, enabling deployment in realistic conditions.
- State-of-the-art CVQKD implementation with long range
- High-Efficiency LDPC-based error correction
- Many user-controlled parameters
- Access to a wide range of system data
MagiQ Inc. QPN - 8505 and Q-box

QPN Security Gateway (QPN - 8505)
The QPN 8505 is a next-generation quantum cryptography system that relies on the laws of physics rather than computational difficulty for safeguarding keys. It is easily integrated into existing network infrastructures and incorporates real-time key generation based on quantum key distribution protocols. MagiQ's QPN delivers always-on industry standard IPSec based VPN protection while providing an additional layer of security via quantum cryptography. The system offers cost-effective protection from both internal threats, such as disgruntled employees, and from external threats. MagiQ’s QPN 8505 is targeted at government applications including military, intelligence gathering and homeland defense. Commercial applications include financial services, Telco carriers and disaster recovery.

Click here for more information
Q-Box Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) System is a point-to-point, single photon-based system, developed for scientists in academic, governmental and commercial organizations to conduct research related to or utilizing QKD. Specifically designed to be turned up in record time, Q-Box Workbench ships with a base configuration of the BB-84 protocol distributing symmetric keys between Alice and Bob.
Q-Box hardware consists of two 7x19x24-inch rack-mount chassis (Alice and Bob) connected by both fiber and Ethernet cable. Each chassis supports:
- Single photon transmitter
- Fiber-optics Interferometer
- TEC cooled Avalanche photodiodes in Geiger mode
- Optical phase modulator
- Controlling electronics with true RNGs
- On-board PC
Toshiba QKD GHz system

Toshiba's Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) system delivers digital keys for cryp-tographic applications on fibre optic based computer networks. Based on quantum cryptography it provides a failsafe method of distributing verifiably secret digital keys, with significant cost and key management advantages.
The system provides world-leading performance. In particular, it allows key distri-bution over standard telecom fibre links exceeding 100 km in length and bit rates suf-ficient to generate 1 Megabit per second of key material over a distance of 50 km — sufficiently long for metropolitan coverage.

The advance stems from a major innovation: a novel light detector. Using a ‘self-differencing’ circuit for single photon detection, Toshiba have increased the operating frequency of InGaAs avalanche photodiodes by a factor of 100, to beyond 2 GHz, with a maximum count rate of 1GHz.
Furthermore, Toshiba have pioneered active stabilisation technology that allows the system to distribute key material continuously, in even the most challenging oper-ating conditions, without any user intervention. This avoids the need for recalibration of the system due to temperature-induced changes in the fibre lengths.
Initiation of the system is also managed automatically, allowing simple turn-key operation. It has been shown to work successfully in several network field trials [link to network QKD webpage]. The system can be used for a wide range of cryptographic applications, e.g., encryption or authentication of sensitive documents, messages or transactions. A programming interface gives the user access to the key material.
The QKD system secure bit rate of 1Mbit/s is significant for two reasons. Firstly it will allow QKD to be implemented on networks that connect many users. While the previous bit rate has been sufficient for simple point-to-point links, it was not enough to allow frequent key refresh on multi-user networks, in which the bit rate must be shared.
Secondly, these higher bit rates will allow one-time-pad encryption to be used for video conferencing and other high bandwidth applications. The one-time-pad is the only encryption algorithm that allows unconditionally secure communication and is often regarded as the Holy Grail of information security. However, its implementation has been hampered in the past by the requirement for a secret key of the same length as the data. Toshiba's advance with the QKD bit rate allows the one-time pad to be implemented for data streams of up to 1 Mb/s over 50 km fibre.