Research results carried out by Wrocław University of Science and Technology as a part of the project "JURAND - National Quantum Random Number Generator" (POIR.01.01.01-00-0173 / 15)
Research in its subject is closely related to the definition of an R&D project entitled "JURAND - National Quantum Random Number Generator" with contract number POIR.01.01.01-00-0173/15 (based on previous research cooperation between CompSecur sp. z o.o. and Wrocław University of Science and Technology, including sharing rights to the results of the previous research defining the concept of the project) and in its topical area it constitutes R&D in the field of security in accordance with the assumptions and research objectives of the project, specifying in detail the subject of commissioned research work related to the key components of quantum cryptography in the form of quantum randomness generation, i.e. systems that play an important role for strategic national security, the purpose of which is to ensure the IT-theoretical level of communication security.
The aim of the project, the definition of which includes the research tasks commissioned to the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, which correspond with the full concept of the project in a manner necessary for its implementation, is to develop new solutions of importance for security in the area of cryptography and secure communication in a form critical to ensuring the IT-theoretical level of communication security in quantum cryptography, components of quantum randomness generation as part of the research program for the commercialization of the Polish national quantum cryptography systems in cooperation between CompSecur sp. z o. o. and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
The results of the research work carried out by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology as part of the above-mentioned project are published (in the scope of open access publishing) and made available for use by all interested parties on the seQre quantum cryptography commercialization platform.
The results published in the list below are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) open access license enabling their use by all interested parties.
The topics of the published works include research in the theory of quantum mechanics and quantum information on the properties of sequences of truly random numbers generated in quantum processes, theoretical-experimental research in the field of quantum mechanics and computer science in the field of selected quantum processes that can be used for the efficient generation of truly random numbers and research in the scope of possible architectures and implementations of prototype quantum systems for the generation of truly random numbers, as well as research in terms of the theory of classical computer science on the stochastic modeling and measures of qualitative and quantitative parameterization of random sequences generated in quantum processes, research in terms of the theory of classical computer science in the field of parametric characteristics of randomness and efficiency quantum-generated random sequences, research on the prototyping of laboratory architectures of quantum systems for the generation of truly random numbers in terms of their classical aspects and in terms of their software.
Research in terms of the theory of classical computer science on the stochastic modeling and measures of qualitative and quantitative parameterization of random sequences generated in quantum processes
Random quantum noise generation using shot noise in semiconductors
Cryptographic random number generation using shot noise
The use of optical trap for random number generation
Cryptographic quantum random number generation using shot noise
Data acquisition system for quantum random number generators
Application of an optical trap to a random number generator
Cryptographic quantum random number generation using shot noise
Acceptance Letter for oral presentation at the 1st International Symposium on Quantum Technology, 24-27 June 2018, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Quantum random number generator using shot noise